Orthostat 49, Knowth Western Tomb (Photo)
Orthostat 49 is located in the largest megalithic tomb (Tomb 1 West) at Knowth, County Meath, Ireland (ME019-030001-). The decoration consists of swirling patterns, which extend over all the main face, following the natural curves of the stone. The most distinctive motifs are a circle with oval and arcs beneath it.
- The Discovery Programme
- archaeology
- megalithic
- megalithic art
- passage tomb
- orthostats
- petroglyphs
- megalithic chamber tombs
- Arkeoloġija
- Cromlech
Tip ta' oġġett
- 3D
- The Discovery Programme
- archaeology
- megalithic
- megalithic art
- passage tomb
- orthostats
- petroglyphs
- megalithic chamber tombs
- Arkeoloġija
- Cromlech
Tip ta' oġġett
- 3D
Istituzzjoni fornitriċi
Dikjarazzjoni tad-drittijiet tal-midja f'dan ir-rekord (sakemm mhux speċifikat mod ieħor)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-EDU/1.0/
- © 2024 The Discovery Programme – All rights reserved
Data tal-ħolqien
- 2024
- 2024
- Neolithic
- Knowth
- Capture Technology: Artec EVA Structured light scanner. Capture date 02/04/2014. Mesh processing: Artec Studio v16 Professional – Global Registration – Fast Fusion Alignment – Small Object Filter – Sharp Fusion Alignment – Mesh cleaned of external areas – High polygon mesh export (2,400,000 polygons) Mesh Processing: Geomagic Design X v2024.2.0 – Mesh Decimation (Target 75,000, High curvature area resolution - dense), Healing wizard (Removal of Non-manifolds, Folded Poly-faces, Dangling Poly-faces, Crossing Poly-faces), Fill Holes (ignore biggest hole), Healing wizard (Removal of Non-manifolds, Folded Poly-faces, Dangling Poly-faces, Crossing Poly-faces), Smooth (Smoothness level 0.5) – Low Polygon mesh export (579,200 polygons) Texturing: Unwrapping of mesh (3DS Max 2025). Production of primary UVW texture maps (Normal, Ambient Occlusion, Position, Height, Cavity, Curvature) by baking High polygon detail using Marmoset Toolbag v4. 8K Texture - Hyper realistic photo texture through combined photo texture (Reality Capture v1.4 - Photo-consistency based) and synthetic stone smart material (Substance Painter v10).; Mesh cleaning; Mesh processing; Mesh simplification (decimation); Structured light scanning
- share3d:1995
- share3d:1995
- glTF
- English
- en
Huwa parti minn
- Share3D
- Ireland
- 2024
Pajjiż fornitur
- Ireland
Isem il-kollezzjoni
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- 2025-01-10T12:59:20.355Z
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- 2025-01-10T12:59:20.355Z