Fur cap in brown mink with mink paws
The fur hat is made of brown mink. At the front of the fur hat there are four folds to give the hat some shape. The ball and the back of the hat are decorated with mink paws. The inside of the fur hat is doubled with a black lining and is finished with a brown ribbon.
Tip ta' oġġett
- Object Type: women's costume
- Object Type: headgear
- women's clothing
- headgear
- Women's clothing
- Headgear
- Womenswear
- 1960
- 1960
- Material: mink fur
- Material: mixed fibres
- mink fur
- mixed fibers
- Mink
- Mixed fibres
Tip ta' oġġett
- Object Type: women's costume
- Object Type: headgear
- women's clothing
- headgear
- Women's clothing
- Headgear
- Womenswear
- 1960
- 1960
- Material: mink fur
- Material: mixed fibres
- mink fur
- mixed fibers
- Mink
- Mixed fibres
Istituzzjoni fornitriċi
Dikjarazzjoni tad-drittijiet tal-midja f'dan ir-rekord (sakemm mhux speċifikat mod ieħor)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
Data tal-ħolqien
- 1960
- 1960
- schenking
- 2000.0072
- http://mint-projects.image.ntua.gr/europeana-fashion/7306
- Technique: grosgrain fabric
- grosgrain fabric
- Grosgrain
Huwa parti minn
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Huwa relatat ma '
- brown
- 1960
Pajjiż fornitur
- Belgium
Isem il-kollezzjoni
L-ewwel darba ppubblikata fuq Europeana
- 2017-06-27T14:41:22.731Z
L-aħħar aġġornament mill-istituzzjoni fornitriċi
- 2022-10-28T08:37:45.162Z