287 resultaten binnen Plaats Pavia

287 resultaten geretourneerd

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Italiaanse gemeente en stad

Frascarolo, Marcantonio da. Author of the text

National Library of France

Otton I (0912-0973 ; empereur germanique). Autorité émettrice de monnaie; Otton II (0955-0983 ; empereur germanique). Autorité émettrice de monnaie; Pavie (Italie ; atelier monétaire). Atelier monétaire

National Library of France

Henry II (0973-1024; Germanic emperor). Currency issuing authority

National Library of France

Henry II (0973-1024; Germanic emperor). Currency issuing authority

National Library of France

Matteo Corti; nlk20020104670

National Library of the Czech Republic

jn19990002533; Galénos; Avicenna; …

National Library of the Czech Republic


National Library of the Czech Republic


National Library of the Czech Republic