resultaten binnen
Gemeente in Roemenië in District Teleorman, Roemenië
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
Issuer: Mihnea Turcitu, Wallachia voivode
Central Historical National Archives
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
Issuer: Alexandru Mircea, Wallachia voivode
Central Historical National Archives
Issuer: Mircea Ciobanul, Wallachia voivode
Central Historical National Archives
Issuer: Mihai Viteazul, Wallachia voivode
Central Historical National Archives