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Mikołaj z Dinkelsbühl
Mikołaj z Dinkelsbühl
German author
Nicolaus de Hirschberg; Nicolaus de Dinkelsbühl (około 1360-1433); Pseudo-Augustinus; …
Library of the Wroclaw University
Nicolaus de Dinkelsbühl (około 1360-1433)
Library of the Wroclaw University
Baden State Library
University Library Freiburg
Nicolaus de Dinkelsbühl; Jacobus de Jüterbog (Jacobus de Paradiso)
Královská kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově, Praha
National Library of the Czech Republic
Anselmus Havelbergensis; Mauritius (Rvačka) de Praga; Nicolaus de Dinkelsbühl; …
National Library of the Czech Republic
Nicolaus de Dinkelsbühl (około 1360-1433)
Library of the Wroclaw University
Nicolaus de Dinkelsbühl (około 1360-1433); Thomas Ebendorfer von Hasselbach (1388-1464); Bindus de Senis (?-1390)
Library of the Wroclaw University
Paulus de Sancta Maria (około 1350-1435); Nicolaus de Dinkelsbühl (około 1360-1433); Andrzej z Kokorzyna (?-około 1435); …
Library of the Wroclaw University
National Library of the Czech Republic
National Library of the Czech Republic
Bonawentura (święty ; 1221-1274); Herolt, Johannes (14..-1468); Jakub z Paradyża (około 1380-1464); …
Library of the Wroclaw University
Nicolaus de Dinkelsbühl (około 1360-1433); Johannes de Bobirsberg
Library of the Wroclaw University
Paulus de Sancta Maria (około 1350-1435); Nicolaus de Dinkelsbühl (około 1360-1433); Andrzej z Kokorzyna (?-około 1435); …
Library of the Wroclaw University
Hugues de Fouilloi; Johannes de Bobirsberg; Jakub z Paradyża (około 1380-1464); …
Library of the Wroclaw University
Johann Altenstaig; Nicolaus de Dinkelsbühl
National Library of the Czech Republic
Nicolaus de Dinkelsbühl; Thomas Ebendorfer de Haselbach
National Library of the Czech Republic