107 resultados dentro do Pessoa Teodoro de Beza

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Teodoro de Beza

French Reformed Protestant theologian, reformer and scholar (1519-1605)

Unknown Artist (Production)

Leipzig University Library

Marot, Clément; Théodore de Bèze

University Library Freiburg

National Library of the Czech Republic

Jacques Granthomme

Germanisches National Museum

Comparet, Adrienne-Jeanne-Marie (Production), 1757-1820 (Zeichner)

Herzog August Library

Simon, Frédéric Emile (Production), 1820-1886 (Stecher)

Herzog August Library

Berlin State Library

Franck, Johann (Production), 1659-1690 (attributed) (Stecher)

Berlin State Library

Simon, Frédéric Emile (Production), 1820-1886 (Lithograph)

Berlin State Library

Berlin State Library

Simon, Frédéric Emile (Production), 1820-1886 (Lithograph)

Berlin State Library

Jean Calvin

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford

Dirck Rafaelsz Camphuysen

Ghent University Library

Théodore de Bèze

Ghent University Library

Ghent University Library

Dirck Rafaelsz. Camphuysen

Ghent University Library