Curator: Sofie Taes, Photoconsortium/KU Leuven
Editor: Adrian Murphy, Collections Manager at Europeana Foundation
Producer: Małgorzata Szynkielewska, Content & Exhibitions Coordinator at Europeana Foundation
This exhibition is an output of the project Migration in Arts and Sciences.
You can find more personal stories at Europeana Migration. And if have your own story of migration, share it!
Further reading
Migration & Culture
R. MAHALINGAM (ed.), Cultural Psychology of Immigrants, Mahwah, 2006.
H. BHABHA, The location of culture, London, 1994.
S. VERTOVEC, Transnationalism and identity, in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,
27(4), 2001, pp. 573–582.
M. LA BARBERA (ed.), Identity and Migration in Europe. Multidisciplinary Perspectives, New York City, 2015.
V.M. ESSES, K. DEAUX et. al., Psychological Perspectives on Immigration, in Journal of Social Issues, 66/ 4, 2010, pp. 635-647.
Crossing Frontiers: Science & Technology
John Audubon's Birds of America
Rita Levi-Montalcini's biography at Washington University School of Medicine
The Extraordinary Life of Nikola Tesla by Richard Gunderman at Smithsonian magazine
The Land of Opportunity: Migrant Workers
The European Volunteer Workers (EVW) scheme
A brief history of British coal mining – in pictures
Learning resources at National Coal Mining Museum for England
Coal mining in the Netherlands at TU Delft
Regionaal Historisch Centrum Limburg
E. TÖRÖK: Saroltavár – körfalu a Bánságban
E.A. BERWANGER: Charlottenburg, the Round Village, Banat Area
Mixing Traditions: Vibrant Communities
The Caribbean Immigrants Who Transformed Britain by Kaila Philo at The New Republic
Chinese London at Exploring 20th Century London
Chinatown posts at Liverpool Museums blog
Photographs of Liverpool’s Chinatown from a Liverpool Museum competition
Alexander Rackus and Lithuanians in America
R. MISIŪNAS, Pirmieji bandymai kaupti senosios lietuvių išeivijos dokumentinį paveldą JAV, in Knygotyra, 59, 2012, pp. 30-39.
Kaunas: gatvės ir žmonės, Kaunas, 2001, pp. 130-131.
The Roma in Serbia
Roma Identities in Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe
Approaching preferred identity: 'Serbian Gypsies' in post-war Kosovo
Djorgovci: An Ambivalent Identity
Itinerant Artists, Everlasting Artworks
Cyprián Majerník's profile at Nedbalka Gallery
N. ZIVANCEVIC, Milos Crnjanski. La Serbie, l'exil et le retour, Paris, 2007.
Tamara Łempicka's profile at
Rising Stars: On Screen & Stage
Five Things You Might Not Have Known About Boris Karloff by Paul Hechinger at BBC America
The Profound Loneliness of Greta Garbo by Brigit Katz at Smithsonian magazine
Greta Garbo: Remembering Hollywood’s Most Enigmatic Star by Karen Krizanovich at Sothesby's
Krzysztof Kieślowski's profile at
Faces of Migration
Eddie Shipstad, 91, Skater and Founder of Touring Ice Show by Robert Mcg. Thomas Jr. at the New York Times
Desmond FitzGerald Photographs