Sport shoes
Pair of front lace sport shoes made of white and pink checkered cotton fabric with printed blue and yellow flowers at one side and of light green cotton fabric at the other, belonging to Lena Samara, daughter of the Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras. Pink rubber cap toe, light green and white striped cotton fabric tongue and lining. White rubber sole, decorated with pink hearts. Label: "MARK'…
- Mark's & Spencer
- Object Type: children's costume
- children's clothing
- Children's clothing
Tipul resursă culturală
- Object Type: sport shoes
- sport shoe
- Athletic shoe
- Material: rubber
- rubber
- Gumă
- Mark's & Spencer
- Object Type: children's costume
- children's clothing
- Children's clothing
Tipul resursă culturală
- Object Type: sport shoes
- sport shoe
- Athletic shoe
- Material: rubber
- rubber
- Gumă
Instituție furnizoare
Mențiunea privind drepturile intelectuale privind drepturile intelectuale media pentru această resursă culturală (cu excepția cazului în care se specifică altfel)
- Παπούτσια αθλητικά δετά με μύτες από ροζ λάστιχο. Η μια πλευρά από λευκό-ροζ καρό ύφασμα, με διακόσμηση από μπλε-κίτρινα άνθη, η άλλη από φιστικί ύφασμα. Γλώσσα και επένδυση από ριγέ φιστικί-λευκό ύφασμα. Σόλα από λευκό λάστιχο με ρίγες φιστικί-ροζ και ροζ καρδούλες. Ετικέτα: "MARK'S & SPENCER". Νο 28. Ανήκαν στη Λένα Σαμαρά, κόρη του πρωθυπουργού Αντώνη Σαμαρά.
- Thailanda
- 2011.6.0196
- L.0,19 m
Face parte din
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Este legat de
- yellow
- green
- blue
- white
- pink
Țara de proveniență
- Greece
Numele colecției
Publicat pentru prima dată pe Europeana
- 2020-04-07T15:14:58.057Z
Ultima actualizare de la instituția furnizoare
- 2024-07-16T14:36:45.785Z