Hermina Weissberger in Sovata
This photo was taken in Szovata, it is even written on its back that Sovata Bai [Sovata Baths], Foto Vilus et Company. Who knows Szovata, might know for example that this building was called once the Ghidali villa. On the left side is the uncle, Jeno Marer, next to him, on the right his wife, the third person is my maternal grandmother, Hermina Weissberger, and on the right side is the brother of …
- Hermina Weissberger in Sovata
- interviewees
- Hermina Weissberger in Sovata
- interviewees
Instituție furnizoare
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- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- https://centropa.jhn.ngo/centropa:person_2143
- en
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Face parte din
- Jewish History Tours
Țara de proveniență
- Austria
Numele colecției
Publicat pentru prima dată pe Europeana
- 2023-05-24T09:29:38.764Z
Ultima actualizare de la instituția furnizoare
- 2023-11-14T08:43:42.286Z