159 výsledkov v rámci Osoba Róbert Bellarmín

159 vrátené výsledky

Pre vaše vyhľadávanie neexistujú žiadne ďalšie výsledky.

Róbert Bellarmín

Catholic cardinal, saint, and Doctor of the Church

Roberto Bellarmino

Hungarian Franciscan Library and Archives - Budapest

Germanisches National Museum

Unknown Artist (Production)

Berlin State Library

Ignacio Larramendi Foundation

Roberto Bellarmino

Complutense University of Madrid

Roberto Bellarmino

Ghent University Library

Roberto Bellarmino

Ghent University Library

Roberto Bellarmino

Ghent University Library

Roberto Bellarmino

Ghent University Library

Roberto Bellarmino

Ghent University Library

Roberto Bellarmino

Ghent University Library

Roberto Bellarmino

Ghent University Library