rezultatov znotraj
One of the three regional units of the Western Greece Region of Greece
Αναστασία Δούκα του Αλεξίου
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Κωνσταντίνος Π. Μαραθιάς
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Σοφία Ζερβογιάννη
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Κωστούλα Ν. Παναγοπούλου
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Φανή Δημουλιά
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Γεωργία Θαννάσουλα
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Ε.Π.Ο.Ν. / Συμβούλιο Περιοχής Πελοποννήσου
Contemporary Social History Archives
Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation
Extraordinary General Assembly of war invalids and victims of the Prefecture of Ilia
National Research Foundation Eleftherios K. Venizelos
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports - Directorate for the Administration of the National Archive of Monuments
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports - Directorate for the Administration of the National Archive of Monuments
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports - Directorate for the Administration of the National Archive of Monuments
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports - Directorate for the Administration of the National Archive of Monuments
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports - Directorate for the Administration of the National Archive of Monuments
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports - Directorate for the Administration of the National Archive of Monuments
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports - Directorate for the Administration of the National Archive of Monuments
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports - Directorate for the Administration of the National Archive of Monuments
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports - Directorate for the Administration of the National Archive of Monuments
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports - Directorate for the Administration of the National Archive of Monuments
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports - Directorate for the Administration of the National Archive of Monuments
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports - Directorate for the Administration of the National Archive of Monuments
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports - Directorate for the Administration of the National Archive of Monuments