resultat inom
Gregoriansk sång
Gregoriansk sång
Form of song
National Library of France
National Library of France
Combarieu, Jules (1859-1916). Author of the text
National Library of France
Colling, Alfred (1902-1981). Author of the text
National Library of France
Dechevrens, Antony (1840-1912). Author of the text
National Library of France
Clement, Felix (1822-1885). Author of the text; Bona, Giovanni (1609-1674). Author of the text; Formby, Henry (1817-1884). Author of the text
National Library of France
Salvador-Daniel, Francisco (1831-1871). Author of the text
National Library of France
National Library of France
Widor, Charles-Marie (1844-1937). Author of the text
National Library of France
Stehlin, Sebastian
Bavarian State Library
Bavarian State Library
Schafhäutl, Karl Emil von
Bavarian State Library
Wiener, Gustav Adolph
Bavarian State Library
Bavarian State Library
Vilsecker, Franz Joseph
Bavarian State Library
Janssen, Nicolaas A.
Bavarian State Library
Steinmann, Heinrich Ferdinand
Bavarian State Library
National Audiovisual Archive
National Audiovisual Archive
National Audiovisual Archive
National Library of Spain
Bavarian State Library
Matyszewski, Adam
Virtual Book Federation of Church Libraries FIDES
Matyszewski, Adam
Virtual Book Federation of Church Libraries FIDES