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Happy people and big promises define the world of advertising. Film hasn't just been used to entice consumers to buy products; movies themselves also need promotion, often through film posters or cinema magazines.


Animated films come to life in various forms, including puppet animation, cut-out animation, silhouettes, claymation, stop-motion, hand-drawn techniques, and CGI. This genre, as old as cinema itself, is beloved worldwide. The artists behind these masterpi…


Nationalparks sind Orte, an denen die Natur bewahrt wird, wo der menschliche Einfluss zum Schutz der Artenvielfalt in Schach gehalten wird. Wenn Sie nach einem Rückzugsort suchen, erkunden Sie diese Nationalparks aus ganz Europa, die in Europeana abgebild…


Diese Galerie zeigt die Blüten und Blüten aller Arten von Blumen in Gemälden, Mode, Design und Fotografien. Finden Sie Ihre Lieblingsdarstellungen von Tulpen, Rosen, Hortensien, Glockenblumen, Lavendel, Kirschblüten, Mohnblumen, Sonnenblumen und mehr.


Sehen Sie, wie Künstler aus ganz Europa Sehenswürdigkeiten und Szenen aus London, der Hauptstadt des Vereinigten Königreichs, dargestellt haben.


This gallery was built around one of the first 3D objects provided by Genoa University through the natural history aggregator OpenUp!. The 3D fossil of the prehistoric "cave bear" seen here originates from Italy and was annotated rudimentary to…


Bald ist Weihnachten, und die Städte Europas erwachen mit funkelnden Lichtern und Dekorationen zum Leben.


Erkunden Sie 3D-Modelle von Gebäuden und Objekten aus ganz Europa. Mit der Kampagne „Twin it! 3D for Europe's culture“ der Europäischen Kommission und der Europeana-Initiative wurden die Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union aufgefordert, mindestens…


Nyctereutes procyonoides Gray, 1834, also called raccoon dog, originally comes from Asian and Russian regions and found its way to Europe through Eastern European fur production sites. Fleeing from captivity it managed to establish itself in many European…


The musical score in film plays a crucial role in shaping the audience's emotional experience. It enhances storytelling, sets the mood, and deepens character development, creating a powerful connection between the viewer and the narrative. Listen, wat…


Visit European destinations from the comfort of your home - and maybe find inspiration for your next holiday trip!


Exotische und heimische Tiere in Kunst und Fotografie dargestellt.


Migration und Kunst sind miteinander verflochten, wobei Migration Künstler inspiriert und manchmal die eigene Migration von Künstlern widerspiegelt. Diese Galerie zeigt Darstellungen von Migrations- und Fluchterfahrungen in Kunstwerken aus ganz Europa.


Collectible cards and portraits were a popular advertising material and well loved amongst the film fans in the beginning of the 20th century. They showcase the early phases of stardom and fan culture in the film industry. The appeal to keep you cinema st…


Gemälde und Artefakte mit Sonnenblumen


The Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) was introduced to Europe in the 18th century due to trading reasons. Through escaped individuals and intentional release the species got established in Europe’s ecosystem. Its original habitat is Eastern North Amer…


Film and architecture are deeply intertwined. From the pre-production where set designs are sketched, to the film studio where the film is shot and finally the cinema buildings that shape the faces of cities and villages. The inside of a cinema can range …


The african fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum) originates in the north of Africa with an area reaching from Marocco to the Arab peninsula. It was brought to Europe as a decoration plant and was disseminated in South Europe through unintentional loss of …


The tropical species Prosopis juliflora naturally grows in Mexico, Middle America and the northern South America and was brought to Europe for horticultural and silvicultural trading reasons. In Europe the habitat of the tree is still restricted to Spain …


Erkunden Sie diese Kunstwerke, die Bäume in städtischen und ländlichen Landschaften darstellen, von beruhigend bis kühlend und von großen Wäldern bis hin zu einsamen Baumstämmen. Teil des [Urban Tree Festival] (


The Asian or Yellow-legged Hornet is native to Central and Eastern Asia and was probably imported to France in the first place by accident. The dissemination in Europe happened mostly through natural ways. The species is a little smaller than the European…


The starting point for a costume idea is an intensive study of the film script. After extensive research into the milieu and the period, the costume designer develops sketches, which later serve as visual material for the director, the set designer and m…


The golden wreath wattle (Acacia saligna) originally comes from South-West Australia and was imported to Southern Europe for stabilising sand dunes and for silvicultural reasons. It was also used as a decorating plant and for biomass production. The disse…


Seit Jahrhunderten haben Kartographen und andere Europa, seine Länder und Grenzen durch Karten definiert.