
Explore our galleries

In socialism, posters were used to activate workers who were not sufficiently committed to revolutionary principles. Posters about women for Women's Day, not just for women.


Tabán is a part of Budapest's 1st district. Until the 1930s, it was characterised by densely built one- or two-story houses, with nightclubs, restaurants and pubs. Tabán was a popular place for writers, poets and artists. The area was demolished in th…


Photographs of his life and the assassination of June 28, 1914. In the photos of the Hungarian National Museum, we can see the 19-year-old Gavrilo Princip and we can follow the funeral of the archduke and his wife as well.


"Blaha Lujza powder cream soap. Best in the world and mum uses them too, because they hold the secret of beauty" Advertisements for the best cleaning products, perfumes and cosmetics on counting slips from the 1900s.


There are many things to compete in. You can win in any sport, but there are also competitions in different activities. There are hairdressing competition, waitressing competition and even table setting competition. In former socialist countries there we…


A Fibula holds clothes together - its function was similar to the modern safety pin. Known since prehistoric times and used until the Middle Ages, its ornamentation and refinement were in proportion to the wealth of the wearer. The shape of the fibulae is…


Wedding traditions and customs are very different according to cultures, religions, countries and social classes. Wedding photos in Hungary in the 20th century .


Selection of works of art about the Nativity, belonging to different periods, and in different artistic styles.


Relax and have fun in 1950s Budapest. Enjoy the summer and chill out on the beach or the riverside with photos from the Hungarian National Museum.


This phrase means the same thing in English and Hungarian (Bible, Predikátor könyve, 1:9) "... What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. ..." Sundials from the Museum of Applied Arts.


We need more women on bikes!


This gallery - curated under the Watching Videos Like a Historian project - features audiovisual heritage material related to transgender stories in the media.


Art Nouveau posters from the famous art movement. The latter half of the 19th century saw an increase in print media and advertising. Explore more in our exhibition Art Nouveau - A Universal Style.


Selection of Buddhist thangkas, belonging to different European collections


Selection of pieces on the labyrinth motif, in drawings, photographs and objects.


Selection of images about flamenco - cante, toque and dance


Gallery with extraordinary engravings on the art of alchemy, from different periods


Iconographic selection on the medieval theme of the Wheel of Fortune, and some modern variations


Selection of pieces on the motif of the witch in the West


Selection of works of art about gypsy women, created in different periods and with different artistic techniques. (Does not include photographs, which go in a separate gallery.)


From a leisurely cycle through the countryside to fast-paced races, cycling is a pan-European hobby, sport and means of transport. Feel the wind in your hair, race your friends down the street, or escape down the countryside with these images of bikes and…


A gallery of beautiful parrots from Europeana - in paintings, sculpture and photography.


This gallery - curated under the Watching Videos Like a Historian project - features audiovisual heritage material related to the climate crisis.


This gallery - curated under the Watching Videos Like a Historian project - features audiovisual heritage material showing interviews with celebrities.