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Hanul lui Manuc din București
Hanul lui Manuc: litografie realizată de Eugene Ciceri (1813 - 1890), după Michel Bouquet (1807 - 1890)
Povestea Hanului lui Manuc incepe in anul 1806, cand acesta a rasarit pe meleagurile lui Bucur. Fiind construit ca niciun alt han din vremea sa, el s-a deosebit de celelalte hanuri-cetati prin arhitectura aparte. Intemeietor i-a fost Manuc Marzaian, mai bine cunoscut sub numele de Manuc Bei. Vestit negustor, diplomat si hangiu, Manuc era considerat in acele timpuri drept unul dintre cei mai avuti …
This item is provided and maintained by
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
View on the providing institution's website
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- Muzeul de Artă al Republicii Socialiste Române
- …
- landscapes (representations)
- Bucharest
- fine art (art genre)
- art (broad object genre)
- inns (built works)
- picture postcards
- architecture (discipline)
- Lithography
- Engraving process
- Architecture
Type of item
- postcards
- Postcard
- Muzeul de Artă al Republicii Socialiste Române
- …
- landscapes (representations)
- Bucharest
- fine art (art genre)
- art (broad object genre)
- inns (built works)
- picture postcards
- architecture (discipline)
- Lithography
- Engraving process
- Architecture
Type of item
- postcards
- Postcard
Providing institution
- National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- 1813-1890
- 1813/1890
- INP-postcards#6324
Providing country
- Romania
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2024-08-12T14:28:15.129Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2024-08-12T14:28:15.129Z