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Petäjäveden vanhan kirkon saarnastuolin 3D-mallinnus
Petäjäveden vanhan kirkon saarnastuolin 3D-digitointi laserkeilauksella ja fotogrammetrisella menetelmällä
content description: The original pulpit of the Petäjävesi Old Church, inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List since 1994, was finished at the same time as the church itself in 1763-1765. The church was built and carved by local land-owning peasants, and in 1779 master painter Tammelin from Jämsä painted the pulpit with blue, red, and white colours. Many human-like figures are represented on the p…
- Tietoa Finland Oy
- Keitaanniemi, Aino
- Hauru, Jaakko
- Pokkinen, Ville
- Vepsäläinen, Ville
- Järvinen, Arttu
- Three-dimensional imaging
- pulpits
- wood sculptures
- saints
- 3D reconstruction
Type of item
- 3D reconstruction
- 3D reconstruction
- Tietoa Finland Oy
- Keitaanniemi, Aino
- Hauru, Jaakko
- Pokkinen, Ville
- Vepsäläinen, Ville
- Järvinen, Arttu
- Three-dimensional imaging
- pulpits
- wood sculptures
- saints
- 3D reconstruction
Type of item
- 3D reconstruction
- 3D reconstruction
Providing institution
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
Creation date
- valmistusaika 05.09.2023-31.01.2024
- 1763-1765, 1700-luku
- Suomi, Keski-Suomi, Petäjävesi kunta, Petäjäveden vanha kirkko
- KY802:2
- #474987d7-5e72-420a-a033-ae44e0bc4614
- koko: 98,0 MB
Is part of
- Kulttuuriympäristön kuvakokoelma
Providing country
- Finland
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2024-02-07T15:14:04.329Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2024-12-02T09:17:56.189Z
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Tietoa Finland Oy; Keitaanniemi, Aino; Hauru, Jaakko; …
Finnish Heritage Agency
Hauru, Jaakko; Tietoa Finland Oy; Heikkinen, Juha
Finnish Heritage Agency
Herrero Herrero, Jesús; Martín Corral, Sergio David
Documentary Repository of the University of Salamanca