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Portalni sat
Pogon na oprugu s kukastom zaprečnicom. Repeticioni mehanizam izbija sate i četvrtine sata na tonske opruge. Stražnje njihalo kao regulator. Datumar.Niska pravokutna baza koja stoji na četiri pogačaste alabastrene noge ima prednje uglove odrezane i konkavno zaobljene. Njezina gornja ploha izrađena je od svijetlog drva i ukrašena motivom polurozete izvedene paljenim crtežom. Budući da je na stražn…
This item is provided and maintained by Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb
View on the providing institution's website
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- Fischer, Johann
Type of item
- portalni sat
- oko 1810
- enamel (fused coating)
- glass
- wood
- Glass
- Brass
- Wood
- Vitreous enamel
Providing institution
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb
- Maribor
- MUO-019941
- MUO-019941
- tuš (crtanje tušem)
- tiještenje
Is part of
- Europeana Crafted
Providing country
- Croatia
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2015-11-03T10:51:01.803Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2023-11-13T08:50:16.699Z