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Hierarchie: Großherzogliches Familienarchiv (Eigentum des Hauses Baden) und Markgräfliches/Großherzogliches Familienarchiv: Nachträge >> Einzelne Angehörige des Hauses Baden >> [5 A] Karoline Luise, Markgräfin von Baden >> Korrespondenz >> Lettres & Manuscrits angloises
- James Boswell
- James Boswell
Type of item
- Nachlässe
- 1666-10-29/1780-10-15
- 1666-10-29/1780-10-15
- James Boswell
- James Boswell
Type of item
- Nachlässe
- 1666-10-29/1780-10-15
- 1666-10-29/1780-10-15
Providing institution
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
- Es gelten die Nutzungsbedingungen des Landesarchivs Baden-Württemberg.
- Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA Nr. 5 A Corr 31, 90
- http://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/item/XSFQMKUMHXNCGSK6FYQDZIVR4JFLLCWX
- ger
- deu
Is part of
- http://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/item/XBOIM65H2LWWNYYLYTPVKQQY24GNL7LA
Providing country
- Germany
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2024-11-05T12:42:54.949Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2024-11-05T12:42:54.949Z
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Hungarian Academy of Sciences, University of Debrecen, Classical Hungarian Literary Textology Research Group
Gyöngyössi, János
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, University of Debrecen, Classical Hungarian Literary Textology Research Group
Gyöngyössi, János
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, University of Debrecen, Classical Hungarian Literary Textology Research Group