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Albuminscriptie / van Petrus Scriverius (1576-1660), historicus, voor Daniel Mostart (1592-1646), zoon van David Mostart (ca. 1554-1615), leraar en notaris
This item is provided and maintained by KB, National Library of the Netherlands
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- Petrus Scriverius (1576-1660)
- Daniël Mostaert (1592-1646)
- Petrus Scriverius
Type of item
- 1 maart 1631
- 1631-03-01
- Petrus Scriverius (1576-1660)
- Daniël Mostaert (1592-1646)
- Petrus Scriverius
Type of item
- 1 maart 1631
- 1631-03-01
Providing institution
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Papier, 1 fol
- la
- la
- la
Is part of
- Algemene Catalogus KB
- Album amicorum van D. Mostart ; fol. 13r
- http://data.theeuropeanlibrary.org/Collection/a0445
Providing country
- Netherlands
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2014-06-04T08:38:46.579Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2014-06-04T08:38:46.579Z
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KB, National Library of the Netherlands
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KB, National Library of the Netherlands
Petrus Scriverius (1576-1660)
KB, National Library of the Netherlands