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Model de broderie. Decor amplasat central pe pânza de formă dreptunghiulară, reprezentând ornamentul de la cămașa femeiască, brodat peste umăr. Elemente compuse. Interpretare geometrizantă. Decorul este descris de motive geometrice și fitomorfe compuse: se remarcă motivul calea ocolită, conturată de o parte și de alta,de câte o linie continuă, decorată cu motive geometrice (câte două triunghiuri, …
This item is provided and maintained by ASTRA National Museum Complex
View on the providing institution's website
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- shirts (main garments)
- rectangles
- plant-derived motifs
- women (female humans)
- geometric motifs
- Embroidery
- Shirt
Type of item
- embroidery (visual works)
- Embroidery
- început sec XX
- embroidering
- cloth
- cotton (textile)
- Embroidery
- shirts (main garments)
- rectangles
- plant-derived motifs
- women (female humans)
- geometric motifs
- Embroidery
- Shirt
Type of item
- embroidery (visual works)
- Embroidery
- început sec XX
- embroidering
- cloth
- cotton (textile)
- Embroidery
Providing institution
Intermediate provider
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- Romania
- Transylvania
- Nocrich
- Sibiu
- Romania
- Nocrich
- Sibiu County
Current location
- Complexul Național Muzeal "ASTRA" - SIBIU
- 9329 B
- ”Stipuiți”
- Culturalia#b06ad6d7-5e9b-4388-9620-7c677fc49cd0
- 4,6 cm
- 17,8 cm
Is part of
- Broderii
- Fascicol 5 / față
Is related to
- Romanians
Providing country
- Romania
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2023-06-02T11:57:48.899Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2023-06-02T11:57:48.899Z
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ASTRA National Museum Complex
ASTRA National Museum Complex
ASTRA National Museum Complex
ASTRA National Museum Complex