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Tehnica: batere; Condițiile descoperirii: săpătură sistematică; Aversul: bust dreapta; Reversul: Victoria zburând spre stânga ține câte o diademă în fiecare mână; de parte și alta câte un mic scut; în câmp o stea; Legenda aversului: IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG; Legenda reversului: VICTORIA AVG; Orientarea avers-revers: 6
This item is provided and maintained by National Museum of Transylvanian History
View on the providing institution's website
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- monedă, denar imperial, Deleu, Elagabal
Type of item
- denarii
- coins (money)
- Coin
- 218 - 222 AD
- silver (metal)
- Silver
Providing institution
Intermediate provider
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- Romania
- Roman Empire
- Cluj-Napoca
- Cluj
- Transylvania
- Cluj-Napoca
- Romania
- Roman Empire
- Ancient Rome
Current location
- Muzeul Național de Istorie a Transilvaniei - CLUJ-NAPOCA
- NIR 9439
- Culturalia#070accb2-dee5-41db-ba31-0d2cad563172
- 19,5x18,5 mm
- 3,35 g
- Latină
- lat
Is part of
- Deleu
Is related to
- numismatics
Providing country
- Romania
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2023-05-22T08:10:40.208Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2023-11-13T08:02:53.396Z
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National Museum of Transylvanian History
National Museum of Transylvanian History
National Museum of Transylvanian History
National Museum of Transylvanian History